Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My New BFF; AKA "Apron"

I learned how to sew!  Sweet Aunt Judy spent HOURS with me, patiently teaching me each detail to get this little beauty done:

We had so much fun picking out the fabric and perfecting each detail of my newest kitchen accessory.

I love sewing!  It's so much fun and you can visibly see your work coming together to complete what you've already envisioned in your head.  And my apron and I LOVE each other!
We dance together...
We eat together...

We snuggle...

Here's to you, Apron!  Next up... custom napkins! 
Thank you, Aunt Judy!!!


  1. I am pretty much jealous of this. I have always wanted to sew. And that apron is darling. You should make a baby dress out of this for my big gal mollie. I'm also jealous that you are having aunt time.

  2. Hahaha you are hilarious! I love how much you love that apron! By the way, you did good. It is adorable!

  3. Here Is my new blog...so save!
