Brad and I have decided to take on some new hobbies, both individually and as a couple.
Some things that I am looking at for myself are:
1. Learning to sew and continuing to learn to knit. I really want to learn to sew so that I can make curtains for my apartment and eventually useful things like dresses and clothes. I recently asked my Aunt Judy to help me with this and we've already set up a sweing date! I do have that retro sewing table already, for goodness sake!
2. Volunteering for Street grace to help stop sex-trafficking in Atlanta
3. Learning to bike and/or run a marathon. The problem with this is that there aren't too many outdoor places in the city I feel comfortable going to without Brad.
Brad wants to:
1. Learn guitar
2. Enhance his drawing skills. I'm trying to convince him to ask my uncle who is an architect.
3. Continue working with his "little brother" through Big Brothers, Big Sisters
Together we want to:
1. Learn Spanish- we're going to see if we can craigslist some Rosetta Stone lessons!
2. Continue making our apartment our own by antiquing, craigslisting and finding our own style as a couple. it really is so fun because we look at blogs together and then figure out a cheap way to do it ourselves. It brings us together in our "artistic" ways and also helps us work as a team.
3. Learn karate or kickboxing- some kind of self defense.
4. This one is more me trying to convince Brad but I would LOVE for us to learn how to make our own sushi!
those are all great!! I really like the "learning spanish" one!! :) Let me know if you need any help, after all I am a spanish teacher! :)