Sunday, February 13, 2011


Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw, my beloved maternal grandparents, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last week and my parents, sisters and newest neice and nephew all came out as a surprise to M&P! It was such a good time and I was finally able to bond with the new babies! Here are some scenes from the visit and party:

We love self portraits!

Me and my new BFF Mollie

Mom and Brad in our partnered Ugly Face Contest... guess who won? :)

Aunt Carol and Allison were in a close 2nd...

Maw-Maw is so sweet and was so happy the entire day of their party!

The entire family jumped on my obsession with Martha Stewart and we all pulled off what I had envisioned the party looking like. Thank you for bringing my vision to life, Family!

Aunt Carol and Maw were on the Food Committee and they did an amazing job of making everything look picture perfectly rustic.

Me and Mollie and Vaughn... our first weekend together ever!

The King Girls


  1. Buster is giving you and Becca quite the look in that picture. I am so glad that you got to meet Mollie and truly understand what I mean when I say she's SO DANG SWEET. I loved your apartment and my special nook.

    Now your turn to visit.

  2. We LOVED seeing our sweet Whitney and Bradley! It was WONDERFUL honoring Mama and Daddy (Maw and Paw) and very cool that we pulled off the surprise! A TRUE GREAT memory for us and them!
