Monday, January 31, 2011

Due Date

Today would have been our baby's due date. Of course we have no idea what the baby's sex was, but we really feel in our hearts that it would have been a boy and we had decided on the name Hendrixon- we would have called him Henry.

Like I've mentioned in other posts, the miscarriage was a very tragic loss for us, especially me. It was so unexpected and after not being able to get pregnant at all for a while before hand, the loss and sadness went even deeper.

Although, by the Lord's grace, I have come to a place of acceptance over our loss, I want to acknowledge what happened and what God brought us through. In honor of Henry and in honor of the marriage that God saved through the fire(s), I am getting a tattoo tonight of a sparrow.

Matthew 10:29-31 was a passage that I literally had to repeat to myself several times a day during and shortly after the miscarriage. It is close to my heart and upheld me through one of the darkest times of my life. I will be proud to have the memory of my baby and the memory of God's love for me during that time with me always.

Matthew 10:29-31; Psalm 84:3; Psalm 102:7

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