Actually it's more like 8 to 6, but who's counting? All that matters is that God blessed both Brad and I with unexpected jobs and a new apartment to call our home! We feel so blessed and have experienced first hand how active God is in our lives- He loves us so much! So now we're back in the routine: wake up, drive to work, work, grocery shop, dinner and bed and it is BEAUTIFUL! For a while there we din't know when we were going to get our humble routine back! We have taken so much for granted in the past and I know we will in the future, too, because of our simple humanity, but for now we are so grateful and are taking pleasure in the small things of our new life in Georgia!
Speaking of our new life in Georgia, we're gearing up for our first ever authentic Autumn! We have plans to go to the corn mazes, drive to the North Georgia Mountains to spend the weekend with Maw and Paw (which will be filled with sights of bright Autumn leaves!) and are planning a hiking/camping trip, too! Not to mention all the baking we'll be doing (ok... just me). And in case we weren't into yet, we're lighting seasonal candles every chance we get to remind us that we're about to experience A BRAND NEW SEASON!
Oh- and we have a contract in the works on our house back in AZ!!!
Yep I'd say God definitely loves you. Your and Brad's posed self-timed pictures always make me laugh. I like your hair in that picture and your sweater does look very autumn-y.