Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My New Life for the Next 30 Days

Those of you who know me know that although I have good intentions, I am a daughter of Donna King so I stuggle with follow through (sorry, Mom). Because of this, I am blogging to the world (or to the few people who read this) about my newest adventure in dieting for accountability purposes.
Beginning tomorrow, I will be following Jillian Michael's "Making the Cut Diet Plan" for the next 30 days. That's right- for 30 consecutive days I will not only be practicing the basic principles of Allison's "Maker's Diet" (more or less), but I will also be following Jillian's strict workout routines.
So that's Accountability Part 1. Part 2 conisits of frequent blog updates about my progress and continual commitment of this new challenge, again fpr accountability purposes. Brad told me last night, "I think you have it in you to complete this," so now I am more motivated than ever with my sweet husband's support!
Wish me luck and feel free to hold me to this! I WILL FINISH!

1 comment:

  1. you go girl!! I believe in you!!

    I heard Mariah Carey "always be my baby" come on the radio today and thought of us carpooling senior year..."what!! you're doing drugs??!!" hahaha. miss you! Hope you are doing well!
