Sunday, July 3, 2011

New Body, New Hair, New Post

On Wednesday, I will be 20 weeks!  And I feel so HUGE!  But we are so blessed to have made it this far!  Here's what's been happening:

- Up until about 18 weeks, I will still throwing up about 5 times a day!  Our pastor's wife gave me a miracle tip which has kept me mostly vomit free for the past couple of weeks: 1/2 tablet of vitamin B6 and 1/2 tablet Unisom (a baby-safe sleeping pill).  Yes this makes me a little drowsy during the day but totally worth it!  I think my co-workers appreciate it, too, since they would have to sit near the vomit filled trash can.

- I cut my hair!  I had to!  Brad really wanted me to grow it out but this is not the time in my life to feel even more frumpy than I have to.  So off it went!

-We're coming home in a month!  And get ready because we'll find out the baby's gender when we're there!!!


  1. theres something even better called 'zofran'. you should try it. ask your doctor, it's prescription only...sounds like you might not need it anymore though.

  2. i just posted a belly post toooo! we are twins! You look so cute! I can't wait to see you when you get down here! this is sooooo exciting! love you!

  3. Zofran didn't work that great for me. But who knows it might for you. I'm glad that you found something that did work! You are popping out quite a bit already. you are so cute whitney. It's hard to tell what your hair looks like in that picture.

  4. Whitney you look so cute! I am so excited to see you when you come down!

  5. You're beautiful! LOVE you three!!! <3 Love, Jamie Powers
