First off, although not technically 2011, we had our first ever WHITE CHRISTMAS! When I told that to my precious Paw-Paw (who lives about 2 hours North of us) he said in his sweet Paw-Paw voice, "Eh, mine too!"

Now as far as 2011, we finally bought our first piece of furniture for our new lives in Georgia!
Isn't it so cool??? But WAIT- THERE'S MORE!
THAT'S RIGHT- IT DOUBLES AS A SEWING MACHINE!!! The machine is hidden under these wooden slats and can just be popped up!
We LOVE this desk! We found it on craigslist last night and went to go pick it up about 30 miles away. We carried it to the car so fast it looked like we were stealing it. We were giggling with excitement about our new find in the 30 degree night. Was the excitement a result of making our apartment feel more like home with a desk? Sure, a little. But it was mostly because our new find was only... $15!!!!!!
That is really cool that it has a built-in sewing machine. I like how you didn't post that picture first- it kept me in suspense.