Monday, December 5, 2011

Our New Addition

It has been so long since I have posted anything and I think I've realized why... I was so nauseated during my entire pregnancy that even the sight of my blog brought back literal "sick" feelings and made me completely unmotivated to update it.

BUT- now we're parents and we want to share all the joys and excitements of having our new baby boy, so Brad helped me give the blog a face lift (so I don't get sick when I see it) and now we're ready to become consistent bloggers once again.

My pregnancy of 40 weeks and 2 days was basically miserable.  I threw up ALL THE TIME until 8 1/2 months and then got so enormous that my knees literally ached when I sat on the toilet... yup, that's big.  After 42 extra pounds (I'm only telling you this because I think I've lost 25 already) a whole lot of stretch marks, and 27 hours of labor, our little Harrison King Neier came into this world weighing 8 pounds and 3 ounces!

I woke up Thanksgiving morning in early labor, but because I was planning to go all natural I wanted to labor at home for as long as I could, so we continued on to my parents' house and had Thanksgiving dinner.  Around 4:30, we all went on a walk and I could barely get through it.  I had to stop every five minutes and lean on Brad  during the contractions and moaned embarrassingly through the whole thing just like in a movie!  It was so painful!  Brad and I decided to head back early from the walk as the contractions were coming every five minutes.  By the time we had gotten back I had begun to bleed and we knew it was time to go!

We were admitted to the hospital and shortly after I realized that I could not take the pain- those contractions were HORRIBLE!  I told myself that maybe on the next baby I would go natural, but for this baby I needed an epidural... NOW!!!

At 11:42 the next morning our sweet little baby boy was born.  He is AMAZING!

I cannot explain how much we love him.  Harrison has been in our lives for a mere 10 days, yet has managed to change our world dramatically- for the better.  I never pictured myself joyfully picking out boogers with my bare fingers, changing 10 overflowing poopy diapers a day or being engrossed in post circumcision care, but that's my new life and I LOVE it!  Brad is in love with this little boy, too, and I don't think anything could warm a Mother's heart more than seeing her husband happily sing songs to their newborn son about his poopy diapers when he thinks no one is listening. :)

Update for today:  Harrison's umbilical cord fell off!  I found it stuck to my shirt...


  1. I'm so proud of you!!! I love this boy. I hated how you described your moaning. I'm sure Brad is the sweetest little dad. I can't believe he's already 10 days old.

  2. He is so sweet!! I'm glad all went well for your labor/delivery- minus it being so dang long!!! It should get easier with each baby. :) Congrats!!!
